Below we remember those who have crossed the bridge. If you would like to sponsor a special place on this page for your hound (COGR or not) please use the contact webmaster option under contact us.

Marya – On December 13, 2017, Central Ohio Greyhound Rescue got that dreaded call; one of our foster dogs had slipped out of their house. The dog’s name was Marya, only off the track for about a month. She was a “spook” dog and was scared of everything and everyone. Within 30 minutes of her escape of her escape, we had people out searching & posting all over social media in hopes someone had seen her dash by.
We along with many wonderful volunteers, spent the next weeks searching & posting flyers everywhere within 5 miles of where she went missing. We were in contact with a tracking dog company, animal mediums, local dog shelters and wardens, animal control officers, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING we could think of to bring Marya home. We even purchased a trail camera & had a HA drone fly over the neighborhood where she escaped to see if we could see ANY sign of her. During the time she was missing, we didn’t have a single confirmed sighting of her. After a month, the city ordered us to take down all the flyers we had posted. We obeyed, although with heavy hearts.
We were heartbroken to get the call on February 22, 2018 that Maryas body was found.
Marya is our angel now, watching over COGR & all the foster dogs waiting for their FURever homes.

Zeek- July 18, 2005 – February 20, 2018
Some people say you have one dog during your life, who is unlike any other dog you’ve ever had, or will have. That dog was Zeek. If there were words to describe a relationship closer than family that’s how we would describe our beloved Zeek Butt. He loved his humans and always wanted to be close to them; especially during dinner. He never missed the chance to get people food, but would always politely ask by resting his head on our laps. He was always able to tell us exactly what he wanted by just a certain look. Even though he rarely barked, he made it clear he wanted to go out, or wanted attention. He was always well behaved and helped teach a few fosters how to be happy in a home. We are grateful for the time we had with Zeek, and feel very lucky to have been his parents. He will be forever loved and forever missed.

Gatsby – It’s not often a senior dog comes along and so cleanly and clearly steals your heart. Gatsby
really lived up to his name. He was great is every way. He was a gentle giant with poise,
manners, class and demeanor befitting the noblest of hounds. If he were to have been cast in
Hollywood it most certainly would have been Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby; the classic version,
of course because he was a class act from start to finish.
I was his Daisy; and was granted his purest devotion. However, in this love story I was equally
devoted and completely in love. It’s taken me almost a year to write this dedication, not because
I’ve never lost a pet, but because my eyes are still leaking, I’m still incredibly grieving. I’ve
never had a pet quite like him; he had skills or should I say a gift. I have migraines and he could
smell them. He would snuggle up to me and spoon when my head was throbbing. What an
amazing guy; he was afraid of butterflies but if I was ailing, he rose to the challenge to defend
me; ever nestled at my side.
I’ve had pets my whole life, he was my first hound and my first male dog. He captured my heart
is a way no other animal has ever. Ironically, I have had my other pets longer and yet I grieved
when I lost this guy that was soul wrenching. I have wanted to write this for months and it’s
been too hard. Gatsby was my guy, he was my boy, he was emotional support and he was more
than special; I didn’t save him, he saved me and I miss him every day.